studio time

music transcription & transposition
Can't find sheet music for a song? Need it in a new key? Don't fret! I can make it! Professionally arranged, transcribed, or transposed digital sheet music just for you! From Audition Cuts to Full Songs; even originals!
piano & vocal tracks
Have an audition and need some accompaniment?
Need to learn a melody or harmony? I can play it for you!
Piano accompaniment, Vocal Plunk Tracks and more!

one on one coaching
Are you feeling stuck? Let's get you feeling better!
Navigating the business of acting can be difficult, but I'm here for you.
Whether it's working on audition material, coaching through sides, preparing for agent meetings, or you just need someone to hold your hand— I got you.
Contact me today for a free consultation to see how I can help,
and if I'm the right coach for you.
All One on One Coaching Sessions
Payment plans & budget options available.

2CarsStudio is now open!
If you're looking for a more affordable place to film an audition or practice your material, we've got you covered! Located in Hamilton Heights, Manhattan.
what's included?
Professional lighting, tripod, clean backdrop
Piano, Bluetooth Speaker, TV Monitor, Laptop Stand
RodeMicro microphone phone attachment
Need a reader?
Professionally treated sound booth
Shure SM7B Microphone, Scarlett 2i2 Inerface
Must bring own recording device for self-tapes. Must bring own DAW for voiceover.